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Child Psychology Articles

Child Psychology Articles

-By Timothy Lyons

There are really so many ways to get information and do research on child psychology articles. The topics vary widely on child psychology articles. They are found in many areas. There are articles on child behavior and development from infants to children and adolescents. There are articles on mental health issues with children and stress and anxiety in kids. You can find pretty much anything that you are looking for with the right searches.

The magazines Psychology Today and Scientific American Mind are great examples of ways to get information on child psychology articles in the magazine format. These are more geared toward persons without formal training in psychology.

Another way in which to understand child psychology is through the use of scientific journals. Contributors write the scientific journal for the scientific community. It is better understood by persons with some background in science or psychology. There are journals like the American Psychologist, Child Development, Contemporary Educational Psychology and the Journal of Research on Adolescence just to name a few.


Many of today’s websites that discuss child psychology will have links to other information in the reference section. A great way to delve further with child psychology articles is to look at sites that carry huge amounts of information and journal articles. The down side to some sites is that the articles come with a high price. Often, one can find articles that cost upwards of thirty dollars for one. There are some sites that do not charge. These are sites of great material from professionals that allow access to their works for free. Such sites and publications include the Public Library of Science, the Directory of Open Access Journals and OMICS international. These are very good especially when it comes to finding articles that have to do with the subject at hand.

In the end it is about how much work you want to put in to find out about the child psychology articles. There are times when you have something so important that you are willing to pay for it. Other times you will find just what you need by spending some extra time scouring the internet for information.

One thing to remember is that as time moves on science looks deeper at issues and articles change. The most important thing is that articles and information about child psychology articles are up to date. Furthermore, finding work that is less than five years old is a good rule of thumb. This is not to diminish the importance of past work, but with changing ideas, testing and views, the science also changes.

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