-By Timothy Lyons
These are some of the online psychology schools that I researched. The information contained on pricing is approximate. I did take the time to provide the phone number. I believe that giving these schools a call is a must at some point.
There are many more online psychology schools that have degrees for undergraduates that are completely online. This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as schools go.
I was able to find a school from this search criteria and it is one that is included in the table that I posted below.
As I mentioned earlier, the licensing boards for most states would prefer a regionally accredited college. This would also ensure that the Online Psychology Schools have worked to obtain and maintain credentialed status. If you would like to look up the licensing division for the state in which you intend to work it would be a very good idea to check with them.
You can make sure about the specific criteria required from an educational standpoint so that the school you choose can meet these requirements. You can find more information about psychology online courses by clicking here. I have heard horror stories about people who got degrees that did not comply with a states licensing. Years of time were spent and the conclusion was that the person could not become licensed.
If the school that you do choose does meet all the requirements, then you could be ready to go. Now it would be time to buckle up and get that wallet ready. Some of these schools have attractive offers for payment plans. You can go to school while you make payments. They even have no interest loans on payment plans. Keep in mind that some of the schools will not allow you to have access to your degree until you pay them in full. That might be something to think about when you are choosing.
Online Psychology Schools
School | #of degree programs | Type of Degrees | Annual Tuition cost | Accreditation | Website address | Telephone Number |
2 | BS/MS | 10-12k for undergraduate/ 13-17k for graduate | Regional | www.phoenix.edu | (844) 937-8679 | |
18 | BS/MS/PhD | 12k for undergraduate/ 13k for graduate | Regional | www.capella.edu | (612) 339-8650 | |
10 | MA/MS/PsyD | 8k for undergraduate/ 8k for graduate | Regional | www.calsouthern.edu | (800) 477-2254 | |
23 | BS/MS/PhD | 17k for undergraduate/ 8k for graduate | Regional | www.gcu.edu | (855) 897-2050 | |
12 | AA/BS/MS | 20k for undergraduate/ 9k for graduate | Regional | www.liberty.edu | (877) 450-1208 | |
15 | AA/BA | 20k for undergraduate/N/A for graduate | Regional | www.waldorf.edu | (855) 489-9523 | |
2 | BA/MA | 32k for undergraduate/11k for graduate | Regional | www.apu.edu | (626) 969-3434 | |
19 | MS/PhD | 14k for undergraduate/ 14k for graduate | Regional | www.ncu.edu | (928) 541-7777 | |
14 | MA/PhD/EdD | 23k for undergraduate/ 23k for graduate | Regional | www.thechicagoschool.edu | (800) 721-8072 | |
6 | BA/DBH | 11-23k for undergraduate/ 7-22k for graduate | Regional | www.asuonline.asu.edu | (480) 965-7788 |
5 | BS/MS/PhD | 11k for undergraduate/ 12k for graduate | Regional | www.waldenu.edu | (866) 492-5336 | |
5 | BA/MA | details not provided for graduate or undergraduate | Regional | www.ashford.edu | (888) 395-3260 | |
1 | BA | 19k for undergraduate/ 20k for graduate | Regional | www.argosy.edu | (800) 377-0617 | |
6 | AA/BA/MA | 14k for undergraduate/ 14k for graduate | Regional | www.floridatechonline.com | 855-300-1469 | |
9 | BS/MS | 10-15k for undergraduate/ 8-12k for graduate | Regional | www.kaplanuniversity.edu | (954) 515-3000 |